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Hi Doctor,
I am Aparna Nair, 38 years, i missed my periods in July but had pains like we do in periods. I did not bleed, hence went for a preg test which is negative, checked with my gyneac, he said there is a patch on the uterus and needs a sonography, have doen that, the report says uterus bulky 17 mm.. whats this?? Doc gave me some med to be taken for 5 days which got over on 3rd Aug, he has asked me to wait for 7-10 days after that whch means until 13th Aug until when i should get my periods.. I do have pain in my back and lower abdomen but no bleeding... The medicine was meptran,, if i am spelling it correct.. Wht is this.. i need to know if this is dangerous in any way, should i wait till this friday or get a ultrasound done of the ovaries and uterus... pls help