Hi I am a 48 year old woman. I have had one child. I am currently on the implanon form of birth control. Lately I have been having some pain during my menstrual cycle..I don t bleed heavy but moderately for two days then the other two I spot. Sometimes I have pelvic pain during my period but lately during sex too. For the past two months, I thought I might have a yeast infection..discharge, slight odor, cloudy urine, and sometimes have severe itching. I have tried AZO for yeast infections and monistat 7 but they didn t help. I;m thinking it s a bacterial infection, an STD (I have had gonorrhea and chymadia before, but hope I dont),,or endometriosis...which i doubt.. I have a scheduled appointment in a few days for a pap smear and STD testing..please advise.