I thought I had the flu and I m sure i could have, this week my body felt achy I ve had a headache that was made worse by coughing, I had a low grade fever (the highest it went was 101.2), chills, and I felt like someone was sitting on my chest but could breathe just fine (does that make sense). After the first day my body felt better but all the other symptoms were there. Day three I felt fine at first throughout the day I was just lazy with a minor headache and still the low grade fever. After eating dinner on day three I started to feel very nauseous. I was having slight discomfort in my stomach and even though I wanted to throw up I couldn t. I woke up in the middle of the night first freezing and then hot. I took all the covers off fell back asleep and then woke up sweating. I started to have sharp pains in my stomach but they went away. I figured it was just gas and went back to sleep. This morning I still have chills my head is more sore at the base where it meets my neck and the stomach pain has turned into more of a general area discomfort. ( I cant pinpoint where the pain is I feel it everywhere even in my back). I am still constipated my head hurts in my temples only when I cough. I don t feel like someone is sitting on my chest anymore it feels like its breaking up. My concern is the stomach pain, this was a new symptom and I know everyone is going to say go see a doctor and I made an appointment to do so however since I just got insurance he cannot see me until Feb. 1st. I thought about going to an urgent care but all the ones I have called told me they would see me but do not have ultrasounds for the stomach pain and are referring me to an ER. Now My co payment for that is 200 which I do not have at the moment. Any ideas as to whats going on with me or am I overreacting?