Hello, I have experienced arm numbness (R side only) and it s been this way for a few years. The numbness started off being occasional numbing of the right arm. I do have herniated Cervical discs C2,C3,C4,C5 and I felt pretty sure that was the cause. I visited a DO and she wanted an MRI of the cervical Spine. She didn t think the herniation was severe enough to cause the numbing but wanted me to have an EMG done to support whether it was or not. I had the EMG test and that Neurologist said he felt the numbness was from Carpal Tunnel. Over the 1-2 months the numbness is constant and the pain radiating down my arm to my hand is becoming very hard to ignore. My right hand is difficult for me to make a fist and my three large fingers hurt and are swollen. The tingling and numbness is all day. Every few minutes I shake my arm to feel the blood begin to flow. I can still grasp objects but not everything. Do you think this is Carpal Tunnel and if so, what would they do to correct this for me?