hello, you havnt mentioned some important things in your history.
how old are you?
what are the other symptoms except redness? does it itch, painful, tender and oozing?
do you have fever? do you have a purulant urethral discharge?
have you had sexual intercourse recently? how long have you been treated for this?
if you are having any of the bacerial or
yeast infections you would have itching ,sometimes pain and tenderness. Depending on the severity of the infection not only topical antibiotics and antifungals you may have to take oral antibiotias or antifungals also. So make sure with your doctor whether you are given drugs correctly . also make sure your sexual partner is also treated for the infection. Other wise you would get reinfection.
Allergies or
eczema of the penis usually cause itching. so change you soap to a ph treated unperfumed soap. If you are using condoms
latex allergy also has to be considered.
If you are having red penile head only with milder other symptoms im thinking of
psoriasis also. for that steroidal topical cream is better.
Last an not least
penile cancer also has to be excluded. if you could come up with other associated symptoms it is easier to come to a diagnosis. thank you.