Hi welcome to HCM
I can understand your concern for your dizziness and
nausea post
kidney donation .
Dear , most probably , it is an after effect of due to removal of a kidney , you must have been told that your remaining kidney will take over the work of the absent kidney, whereas it is not possible .
Your one kidney literally is at diminished capacity.
They worked as a team,each of them did approximately 50% of the work. Whatever needed to be filtered out,got filtered out. You had minimal waste & toxins floating around in you,. But now you have just one kidney,all of a sudden faced with the burden of filtering out everything by itself. That one kidney just can’t do it all,though. It can only do so much ,as you know ,1 kidney=low GFR=low filtration=increased toxins & waste.
That may be the reason of feeling of
persistent dizziness and nausea post kidney donation .
It is important to stay properly hydrated for elimination of toxins from your body
Balanced diet, including essential nutrients and antioxidants like juice of amla ,
aloe vera , fresh juicy fruit & veges ,lemon and a 1/2 spoon of turmeric powder with a cup of cow's hot milk helps to enhance minimum required energy level . To detox and strengthen your body & mind , minimum physical activity - walk ,
yoga - B, Shavassan Butter fly , Bhujjangasan ,Makkarasan, Shavasan , Pranayam - deep breathing , Anulom Vilom , Omkaar Naad are helpful .
Dehydration, medicines, muscle mass, fried , fast foods , fats, salt , caffeine ,alcohol ,
smoking ,weight gain , all can damage your kidney .
Your health care after donating a kidney is very important. At least ,you will need frequent visits to your doctor.
Hope this helps solve your query . Take care . All the best .