For the past year or so I have been getting major headaches and have been up and down with energy and drowsiness. Almost as if my blood pressure goes up and down with anxiety then drowsiness. More often than none, I m very tired during the day with headaches, fatigue, and upset stomach sometimes nausea. I sometimes often feel sick and just want to lay down. Now for the past month I have been having minor aches and pains along with pins and needles down the under side of my left arm and into my pinky and ring finger. This is also accompanied with minor shoulder pain, headaches, and minor chest/peck pains. With in the 6 months I have seen a regular physician, had a CAT scan and MRI of my head and brain, X-Rays of my neck and shoulders, multiple blood work, a trip to the ER, and have been going to a chiropractor once a week for about 5 weeks. What do you think and what should I do next? I can honestly say I have not felt well for at least the past year and a half and have yet to find a reason why. Should I maybe see a neurologist or cardiologist? Thank you.