40 y/o female with history of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (diagnosed by geneticist), diagnosed with Gastropoerisis, one year ago. Basically has not been able to eat, barely for one year. Allergic to all meds that can be of help for Gastropoerisis. Was hospitalized last week with uncontrollable blood pressure, 217/100. In the week she s been in the hospital, they ve not been able to control it. Many different meds tried. Her BP is fluctuating between, 190/90 and 200/98. Severe headache, vomiting. Has not been able to even eat broth for over a week. She has a history of kidney stones also. Was septic twice this year due to stent surgery for kidney stones- Had 2 different infections in April and almost didn t make it. Had an egg scope today and shows odd mucous- gel like substance and was thought to have food . Dr, actually said, I don t know what it is...I ve never seen this. He then said for her to go on a Gastropoerisis diet....she is unable to eat and this same Dr., a few days ago said, She was severely malnurished and might need a feeding tube! The hospitalist also said, since he couldn t get her BP under control, he would let her go home!