I seem to be suffering from some sort of condition with autoimmune symptoms for the last four years that involve sever itching, fatigue and a general lack of wellbeing. The only thing keep my condition from getting really bad is taking at least a half a pill of Zyrtec every couple days. However, even on the Zyrtec the itching symptoms are noticeable enough for me to have medicate using cannabis as well. However, if I go more than a couple days without Zyrtec my symptoms get really bad to where even cannabis doesn t help. Right now I m on a paleo, low histamine diet, as I ve noticed foods I used to be able to handle, such as wheat, sugar, caffeine, dairy, soy and anything processed triggers flare ups even on the Zyrtec. What can I do to get off the Zyrtec and cannabis so I can get back to normal?