Hi. So I have this small lump on the left side of my jaw, close to my chin. I might have had it for longer, but I first recall noticing it about, two years ago in summer. It throbbed lightly once or twice a day for a few days and has continued to do so every few months. It is hard and unlovable and not tender or painful to the touch. It's size has remained consistent over the years. There seem to be no accompanying symtoms that I can see. I have brought the issue up with my mother, who dismissed my worries andude promted me to feel her jaw, where I found a similar lump. It seemed much smaller, but perhaps I am simply overplaying it because of my fearfulness. I only worry because of the occasional throbbing. Today was similar, but I also expected itchiness through the day. Two things that could have no correlation whatsoever. I worry about it and am too afraid to speak. Could this be a dental problem, some sort of growth or swollen lymph node, or simply a quirk I inherited from my mother?? I hope I didn't ramble and gave enough information to make some sort assessment. Thank you beforehand.