Hi I have been experiencing upper chest pain for about 5 days now. I have went to the ER and they did EKG, Blood work, Blood pressure, and Chest xray and all were fine. This pain persist and will not go away its mostly on the left side but it does move around all over the chest. Its constant it lasts all day it may give me 10-15 mins every now and then when its not bothering me. I can wake up with this pain in the morning and periodically all night. Id even describe it as sometimes prickly pain. It can be dull, crushing, squeezing and tight. I really dont want to keep running to the ER looking like a hypochondriac and I am actually embarrassed to keep going over and over. I m 27 , 6ft 1 , 185lbs and yes I sometimes smoke, and I have drank a few times this month. I cannot understand why this is happening to me the last thing I remember before this pain is I was drunk on wine and went to sleep and every since I woke up I have never been the same. If that helps you answer me at all I will include it. I have been checking my pulse the pressure seems fine it has been 64-72 every time i have took it. I dont know my blood pressure because I have nothing to take it. I am also burning in my chest and now upper stomach . I know this looks like I jumped around all over but I am telling you as its coming to me. Its mostly always on the left side of my body.. my throat doesnt feel sore and I am swallowing good, no acid is coming up, i do not feel nauseous , but i do have diarrhea. No headaches or fever. Sometimes my left arm will hurt some. Thats about all I can think of I have tried my best to be very informative I hope you can help.