As your expert said it was lose hardware causing it and it was done twice, we should respect his knowledge.
steroid cream he injected is obviously for some time only.And its not the treatment.
I can't comment expertly on surgical part but can comment confidentally that wound can be healed even if its I fected with natural Ayurvedic Medicine.
Pain can also be managed if pain is not connected with inserted hardware.
To my own such patients I would advise to use Turmeric powder sprikled on wound. OR mix it in Ayurvedic clasdical PANCHGUNA OIL & Jatyadi oil mixed equally and do dressing for few days with this oil combo n turmeric. Pl do not hesitate if oils' smell is repulsive. These are not synthetic.
Drink 1/2 tsp turmeric powder in warm milk or warm water twice a day. You are not diabetic. Hence this formula will effect you much. It's tasteless.
These are safe, side effect-less naturals, no interaction, easy, economic herbals. Commonly available in India. Elsewhere try to get it online. We can also help.
My patients start getting cured in four weeks. Now it's your turn.
Hope it helps you.