Hi there,welcome to HCM.Thank you for your question.
Pinching like sensation in the buttcoks may be due to spinal and non spinal Condtions.
L5/S1 disc(which is the lower most functioning cushion like structure in your spine) degeneration can cause buttock pain with or with out pressure on your neves. During early part pain can only be restricted to buttock , with time there can be
radiation of pain to back of thigh.It may or may not become associated with
numbness also.An X ray might show dc reset space between the L5 and S1 bone providing an in direct evidence of disc degeneration.IIf the symptoms persist for longer than 6 weeks or if the pain is unrelenting in spite of medications and
physiotherapy and MRI might be indicated which has is more Conclusive. Spinal related pain can be one sidedo as in your case or it might affect both sides.
Non spinal buttock related pain is usually one sided.
Ischial bursitis which is inflammation of the covering of one of the muscles/ischial Bone on which we usually sit, can cause focal pain over the point of the buttock. Inflammation around the
sciatic nerve in the buttook can also cause similar pain. Inflammation of the
sacroiliac joint what is is a joint between the pelvic and the spinal bones can also result in similar pain.
If your pain as been there for more than 6 weeks it would be worthwhile to get radiological and blood tests done to rule out the above Conditions. I would suggest you to meet your physician and get evaluated so that these Conditions can be ruled out. In the mean time physiotherapy,strechtes,anti inflammatory and
analgesic mediations can help you tied over the pain.
Hope your queries are answered
All the best
With best regards