Over the past few years, not so often, sometimes I feel like there are pins stabbing all over my body. I usually notice it when I run for a while. But recently, I ve been getting it everyday. Before it was only a few times every few months. I m also really allergic to dustmite, allergic at 77.6 which I discovered a few weels ago from my blood test. Though everything else is fine, and my Vitamin D is just a bit under average due to the lack of sunlight. But regarding the pins I feel, it s painful. It feels like millions of pins stabbing me, most of the time its my back. But sometimes it can be my arms, chest, neck, head and legs too, but these body parts seem to happen a lot less. It s mainly my back when it happens. Just a few weeks ago, for the first time, it felt like my skin is burning instead of the stabbing feeling, maybe like the needles are heated. Then I saw red dots all over my arm, but once the burning cools down, it goes away. These symptoms usually last around 5-10 minutes, sometimes it can be weak or strong. Also recently, when I eat anything spicy. I notice my head starts to itch too.