symptoms of pancreas problems . . . . I think I have em - Pain in gut (varies) Between center of rib cage and belly button , almost a vertical line . . . nausea, poor appetite, nausea after eating, foul stools (infrequent), no actual vomiting, have lost approx. 20lbs past 6 weeks, no fever, family history of diabetes -but my blood sugar at 101 right now, my average. . . . pain not real severe but constant, and varies in it s severity, feels like I m bloated, or a cinder block on my belly when lying down . . under extreme stress and recent loss of best buddy to cancer, and was 24/7 caregiver for 61 days and nights, other MAJOR stressors also. What do you think ? Oh, and I do not have cash or credit card, but I DO have zero deduct zero co-pay medical insurance ( Which I ll bet you won t take, right ? )