I have had decreased kidney function for over 1 year now. I have had controlled high blood pressure for 14 years now (since the birth of my daughter) I also spilled protein for years after my daughter was born. My RBC and hemoglobin are low, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is high, high erthrocytes, high C-Reactive Protein, and high IgA. I had a kidney biopsy and was negative for Lupus and IgA nephropathy. Also, my ANA is negative. I have increased/decreased urination (and have had a bladder sling surgery recently) I have disk degenerative disease with a disk bulge touch L5 and S1 bilaterally. an ill-defined band in the front gamma globulin region is detected, and beta gamma bridging was observed. Further testing now says no monoclonial band is detected in serum. I am assuming that means I do not have myeloma. I have joint swelling at the ankles and hands, and a red face (we thought it was the lupus butterfly rash) my question is, my blood work doesnt seem to match Lupus or Myeloma? What else causes poor kidney function, urinary issues, and disk degenerative disease at the age of 41? Perhaps it is Lupus and the Disk generative disease is a seperate issue?