Hello, I will start with a breif history of my undiagnosed medical complications. In Jan 07 i felt a popping sensation in my right upper nostil/sinus, immediately followed by what elt like i was dying and that was followed by this insane pressure in the sides and top of my head, with shooting pains along the left forehead to temple area. It was then treated and diagnosed as a panic attack, and small cyst rupture in my sinus. I had never had a panic attack before, so i took the ER Doctors word, followed up with my Dr. for the pressure and what to do about these panick attacks. I now have the panick attacks under control, but still suffer from great pressure like i am wearing a helmet 3x to small on my skull. I have had all the work ups, MRI & CT Scan, Lumbar Puncture, x-rays, different headache and migrane meds, nothing works. i have these "episodes" that the ER docs diagnose as panick attacks, but i know the difference. These Episodes happen at least 1x a month it starts coming on slowly like a panick attack, then gradualy gets worse and comes in waves, waves of like a ghost white feeling like all my blood has rushed out of my body, my stomach burns, my legs convuls like i am seizing, i get a metalic taste in my mouth, my jaw and upper teath hurt, the pressure feeling in my head increases tremendously, the waves last about 2-3 minutes and last for usually about an hour, sometimes i am able to wait it thru by taking my meds, other times it worse and end up back at the ER. My head pressure is always way more intense for usually two days, and i usually sleep most of the next 48-72 hours. I have been running this circle for over three years now...
28yr Female, no previous head trauma, no major accidents, no surguries, my lumbar pressure was 154, all other tests showed nothing, only the E.N.T. saw that my sinus passages were a little smaller than normal. but nothing to worry about, and nothing to do a procedure on......any idea about these "episodes" and what may cause this intense pressure in my head???