Forgive me as I jump around a bit. Three years ago,I woke up to the sound of my neck making popping noises when I rolled over... They are loud not really painful but I always seem to be more stiff. Similar to when you swallow and your ears pop. Since then, every time I turned my neck from side to side it makes that sound. I ve learned to just deal with it, laying down and trying to sleep is always the worst. I have pretty bad posture so maybe it s the cause of all of it, and yoga would do me good! About 8 years ago I stated getting flashes in my right eye like a pinwheel of colored lights. No other problems. They have continued an I recently saw a neurologist and was diagnosed with simple partial seizures after an EEG that showed visual disturbances. While I was there I had asked about a hard bulge in my neck, when I tilt my neck backwards, a hard lump pops out right next to my spine which I can only assume is the cervical spine. It s about the size of a large marble, aches a little when I push on it, and seems to have inflammation around it. Doctor said it was a muscle. I really don t think it s a muscle since it seems to me I can push it up and down. Any insight??