Hi doctor, Hipe you are doing well Sir plz reply my query Asap regrading roxoplasma Im 14 months happluly married lady,having 2 miscariges in this period 1 is early pregnacy( 7/8 week) sudden bleeding occured, then doctor said we have to wait for about 3 months atleast for safe n healthy pregnancy,so we did, we waited for 4 months then agaain i became pregnant but after declearing pregnancy tbrough BHCG few days later i had a miscarrige.... We went for doctor she gave us TORCH profile(let me know u one more tbing that rest of the test related to pregnancy are ok by the grace of God) ok back to TORCH,toxoplasma was positive with grater then 10 range(Igm) Then doctor gave Ribazole 500 mg thrice a day for 15 days. Then she said to repeat the test then i ll let u know when to conceive. So again i did it as per her instruction..tben we had a text with Positive IGM 7.0 she said u have to wait more becuse its not completely dissolve so come to me after 3 months ( so after 1 month i took 2nd opinion from doctor she gave Supramycin(spyramycin) 100 mg one time for 2 weeks then tes, so test was done 2 days earlier its still at 8.0 positive IGM..... (Additional would like to tell u tbat m scane and other test are clear) Sir plzzzzz guid me what to do and not to plzzz im reallly worried really May God Be blessed you till eternity Regards Mehrin Arshad