myfeelings are worse at night, which are miserable times--my head may feel like it will explode for a short duration, under my rib cage , mostly towards the left, i suffer an uncomfortable feeling, not severe pain but i know something is wrong---I do get dizzy, back pains up and down, not a particular place but from bottom to my neck--my bowel movements seem to be fine, clear urine, my enzymes are slightly elevated and tomorrow I am seeing my doctor for more blood testing and a n ultrasound and I WANT EVERYTHING TESTED AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE i AM FRIGHTENED AND CANNOT GO ON WITH THESE NIGHTS ESPECIALLY--i AM IN GOOD SHAPE, 105 POUNDS A 5 FOOT 2 FEMALE, EUROPEAN BY BIRTH AND 67 BUT aside from this problem, am in good shape--also, seem to at times, keep swallowing as if the saliva is not completing its course--no fever, threw up just once in the last week, and am really scared--