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There are many potential causes of bowel incontinence, including:
Diarrhea (possibly due to an infection or IBS),
Impacted stool,
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or
ulcerative colitis)
and very rarely Nerve damage (due to diabetes or
spinal cord injury).
You may need some tests like routine blood,ESR,electrolytes,ultrasound abdomen etc.
Diet changes may be helpful:
1) Eat 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day.
This can make stool more bulky and easier to control.
2) Avoid caffeine. This may help prevent diarrhea if you had.
3) Drink several glasses of water each day. This can prevent constipation.
4) Medications. Try these medicines to reduce the number of bowel movements and the urge to move the bowels:
Methylcellulose can help make liquid stool more solid and easier to control.
For people with a specific cause of diarrhea, such as
inflammatory bowel syndrome, other medications may also help for which you need to
consult general surgeon.