Hallow Mumma,
Please do not waste time. This symptom is suggestive of a condition called as
incompetent cervix. In this condition, the cervix (mouth of the uterus) is weak and hence cannot bear the weight of the growing baby after 14 weeks of
pregnancy. If ignored, may lead to abortion(s) between 14th to 28th weeks of pregnancy. Before 1955, there was no treatment for this; however, the a great Gynaecologist Dr. V. N. Shirodkar from Bharat (India)invented a circlage operation which reinforces the cervix and the pregnancy could be taken to the term.
Report to your Obstetrician. Your
ultrasonography will be done and if diagnosis is confirmed, a stich will be taken around the cervix to strengthen it. This stitch is removed at or after 37 weeks of pregnancy to facilitate
vaginal delivery.
Till that please take full
bed rest in a head low position, do not lift any weights, do not strain. Even after encerclage of the cervix, rest, not lifting weight and not straining should be followed.
Do not worry, cervical tightening will take care of your pregnancy.