I have extreme pressure under my right rib cage. It is NOT painful; just pressure that at times restricts my breathing. I have a right breast implant and thought maybe it was leaking. but after an exam by a breast surgeon, she stated that the implant was not leaking. There could be two things going on with me: (1) when I have not had a bowel movement in a few days, I notice the pressure more; after a bowel movement the pressure subsides but not completely. I have noticed in the past that when I have bowel movements, it seems that at certain points in movements, it seems that my intestines are constricted or twisted because the pain in moving my bowels becomes excrutiating; (2) more than 20 yrs ago when the implant was put in ( after having breast cancer, the doctor punctured my lung and I was hospitalized for 5 days while that was repaired. I don t know what is causing this pressure, can you help me? Thank you. Sandra