Hi,I am really concerned regarding my fertility. I have suffered from eating disorders and over exercise, and although my eating disorders are no longer a problem I still exercise every day for about an hour on average (a mix of cardio and weights). I have not had a period for the past 6 months, this has been since a withdrawal bleed after coming of the progesterone only contraceptive pill. Whilst on the pill (for 2 years) I didn t not menstruate and put this down to being on this type of pill, but in hind sight, I was underweight at this time and the pill was probably masking the amenorrhoea. Although now I am in a healthy weight range (BMI 19.5) , I still have not had a period yet. I am 22 years old, and really concerned about the fact that I have ruined my fertility for good. I am going to cut back on exercise, but I just want to know if I have permanently ruined my chances of having a baby due to all the stress I have put my body through