Welcome To HCM and Thanks For Asking Your Query here
i have Read Your Concern and will try to provide information you need on it
As you had unprotected sex and after 12 days you had spotting ... this may be sign of
implantation or it may not be so u need to visit your Gynecologist to get it checked
Irregular Menstrual Bleeding can be caused by many different things. Changes in your body's level of the hormones
estrogen and
progesterone can disrupt the normal pattern of your period
In Your case Other common causes of
irregular periods can be -
-Changing birth control pills or using certain medications if you are taking
-are You doing Excessive exercise ??
Polycystic ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
-Overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism
-Thickening of or polyps on the uterine lining
-Uterine fibroids
so you need proper examination and checkup and few investigation to rule out any underlying medical condition
Your Gynecologist will examine you and will probably do an
Ultra sound and few
blood test for Thyroid Function and hormones imbalance..
i would suggest you to visit your gynecologist for proper diagnosis and treatment
furthermore you should not worried a lot as this is very common problem among women and this condition can be treated easily so have an visit to your Obstetric and gynaecologist
i Hope This Help
thanks Again
and Get well Soon