I am a 34 yrs old woman w/2 children. I have high blood pressure. I went to t ER on t 20th. They admitted me fo 24hrs. because t attending caught my pulse going from 66bpm to 197bpm in a matter of seconds. This comes in waves, meaning that I will b fine for 10-15mins,and then BOOM! Pulse goes close or above 200bpm. It hurts so bad! This is all while lying down w/no stimulation. The doc took me off my clonadine,lisinopril,and amlodipine to metoprinil ER once a day. Now my pulse goes down to the 40 s. I went to t ER cuz t doc said to come back if my pulse went below 60. The nurse and doc were so rude n dismissive, they gave me info on stress reaction n booted me out! Nobody on t niteshift (it was 3am) believed anything I said. I do have panic disorder, but this was like nothing I ever felt b4. I am afraid to sleep because my pulse goes so low I forget to breathe and sit straight up to take a deep breath. I ve never had sleep apnea but that is the only medical way to describe it. Please help me, because the ER docs don t care as long as they can get u outta there! I have nursing experience but cannot diagnose myself...frustrated and helpless in CA.