Hi, I am a 29 year old female. I have experienced radiating discomfort that originates from the area ranging from my shoulder to left breast. This radiates down my left arm and makes my arm feel relatively weak. The condition persists for 4 days now. It seems like when I wake up everything is fine but then I get ready for work and sit down to have breakfast, and it starts radiating after my first, second or third bite. I have no other symtoms. I have done the EKG, they said everything is fine. I will go for electrocardiography as well. Could it be the way that I sleep? I have noticed that I put a lot of pressure on my left arm when I sleep, but I don t think that the pain as a consequence would come and go from time to time throughout the day. Anyway, could it be that a nerve is damaged or trapped? Please let me know.