Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
From what I gather, the impression of the baby being bigger was had by your doctor on clinical examination.
This can be due to various reasons.
A full bladder could give such a picture.
Also, if you are lying in a certain posture, it appears that the baby is bigger.
Before 36 weeks, before the head of the baby drops into the pelvis, babies do appear bigger.
The baby might be in a transverse position, thus appearing bigger.
Twins would have been ruled out by now.
Of course, it is possible that the growth of the baby is above normal, which can occur in case of - parents who are heavy built, diabetic mothers etc.
AMniotic fluid that is in excess around the baby can give such an impression.
A tumour or
fibroid could also confuse the doctor.
Wait for your
ultrasound and then arrive to a conclusion.
Take care.