Probably you are having a
panic attack. It is characterized recurrent and unexpected intense fear. To diagnose panic attack a patient should have 4 out of the following 10 symptoms:
-Rapid breathing (tachypnea)
-Heart racing (palpitations)
-Fear of dying
-Chest pain
-Hot flashes
The symptoms will start abruptly and peak about 10 minutes and lasts less than 30 mins. Also it is important to ensure that thyroid disease,
hypoglycemia, and cardiac disease have been ruled out.
You should visit your doctor for confirming the diagnosis and starting the treatment.
For the immediate relief benzodiazepins such as
clonazepam is prescribed. Benzodiazepins dose tapered after the long term treatment is initiated. For the long term treatment selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (eg,
fluoxetine) or tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed.
Behavioral therapy in conjunction with medications is also helpful.
Thank you.