A little over a month ago I started taking the antidepressant Fetzima in hopes that will help with my anxiety. Since starting the medication I have noticed that whenever my heart rate gets rather high, like 120, I get cold instead of overly hot. While some people and me in past would usually want to stand in front of a fan I want to layer up. Again this only happens when I exercise to a certain extent. On hot days, where I sweat because of the weather, I don t get goosebumps and I do go for the fan. But today again I went to the gym and found myself hot and cold at the very same time with the addition to goosebumps. Chills was a possible side effect of the medication but that isn t what seems to be happening, it really is when my heart rate picks up. Could this be a side effect of the drug that still hasn t subsided or could something else be going on?