Hello, I have been having rashes almost immediately after being intimate with my significant other. He does not experience rashes, but does have large cystic acne on his back. Since the first time we were intimate I have been experiencing a pretty even cottage cheese-like bumpy but not red rash that has been extremely itchy at night mostly. It covers my inner lower arm, my outer and inner upper thighs, I have a few dark pink/red itchy bumps which are larger on my hips and back which almost look like hives. I usually have eczema, contact allergies and contact dermatitis from chemicals but have not had an outbreak rash of this severity in several years. I took benedryl for several days and it has not really helped. I have also been putting a topical steroid-free allergy/ eczema cream on the problem areas to no effect. I tried washing with hibiclens on the off chance that it was bacterial or scabies, and it helped a little bit. Neosporin also seems to help. The itching is covering my entire body but is concentrated on my limbs and hip area. Please help. I have an HMO doctor who is not always the most helpful, and I have not had time to see him. It definitely seemed to be triggered by being close with my significant other, and got slightly better after washing my bedding which we both slept in. I have not seen him since, and it has gotten slightly better with no further outbreaks. I generally use benedryl to keep my asthma at bay, and I am not convinced this is allergies. My eyes were slightly swollen the day after we were together. Hope you can make sense of this. I just wanted to be thorough.