my 15 month old son has been ill for 4 weeks on and off, had a a fever for a week 2 weeks ago which he was treated with antibiotics as they THOUGHT it may be to do with his ears, he hasn t been 100% since, itching rashes one of which was dry and looked yellowish on his face the last 3 days which seems to be clearing with nappy rash cream on saturday he had 1 small white spot which was red around the outside, the next day it looked deeper yellowish and was twice the size, today it is twice the size again yellow and weeps watery fluid he also had a high temp this afternoon so gave him calpol and was sick twice, cant keep anything down. eyes also watery and gunky. getting worried as he doesn t seem to be getting any better but is up and down. i dont feel confident in my doctors as the 3 who saw him 2 weeks ago didn t really know what was wrong (at GP s and hospital) and this sore thing is concerning me...i need so decisive answers..what do i do and what could it be?