I found out a year ago I have Celiac Sprue(Disease) and am on a gluten free diet since. About the same time I started having hives/scaly rashes on my neck and eyelids and saw 2 dermatologists, 1 said it was a yeasty rash and gave a script another said just dermatitis. I had blood tests for food allergies and they showed multiple allergies but after seeing an allergy doctor he said those tests were not reliable and did skin tests. The skin tests showed a mild reaction to potatoes and tomatoes only and major environmental allergies, (trees, dust mites, dog, cat, mold, grasses etc). I ve started allergy shots and am taking allegra but I m wondering could it still be a food allergy or sensitivity that came about in relation to the Celiac disease? When I had my endoscopy I had major inflammation in esophagus stomach and intestines also and they tested for Barretts which was negative.