Hello, my name is Brianna. About a month ago, June 5☹th, I took a plan b one step pill. Days later I went jogging (June 10th) and my entire body broke out into hives. This has never happened before, so I took Benadryl and the hives went away. After that, I noticed that I would randomly break out into small red blotches on my chest, neck, sides of my breasts, stomach, back, around my waist, as well as within my inner thighs and back of my thighs, leaving behind a stinging sensation. I looked up things online and I am pretty sure that this is an allergic reaction to the plan b pill, considering that my side effects were extremely similar to others who have experienced this allergic reaction to the pill. I do still take my birth control pills daily, but the birth control pills don t seem to be the cause of my hive break outs. It is now July 11th and last night I broke out into hives all over my body, just as bad as I did on June 10th, and today after I woke up from my nap, I had the same episode. Benadryl only helps bring the hives and itchiness down momentarily, but I need to seek help in order to get rid of these allergic outbursts for good!