Hello, I am having hives to break out, for no reason, They are usually on my lower abdomen and upper thighs and hips. Sometimes all 3 places. They are hot to touch and itch like crazy. I always end up at the doctor and they will give me a Medrol dose pak, which I cannot stand to take, and/or a shot of steroids, also they have just recently added Zyrtec and Zantac. I have been referred to an Allergist, which he is baffled as is my regular dr.. The only thing the allergist said was my body could be fighting off an infection of some kind and this breaks out as part of that fight. This usually happens if I am sick with a cold or sore throat. I have also been tested for strep throat when I have these symptoms. My question is could this be a reaction to another illness/disease that I could have, i.e. lupus, arthritis. Of note, I do have hypothyroid and have been on medicine since 78 , and could this be something to do with my thyroid. I had a scan of my thyroid and it does show a small nodule, which they believe is benign. I am at a loss, hoping to get some insight from you. Thank you.