Thanks for using healthcaremagic.com
I read carefully your question and understand your concern.
I think you have
irritable bowel syndrome.
The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown, but most experts believe it is related to problems with digestion and increased bowel sensitivity.
Because it is unclear what causes irritable bowel syndrome, treatment focuses on relieving symptoms, so that you can live as normally as possible.
In most cases, signs and symptoms of mild irritable bowel syndrome can be successfully controlled by learning to control
stress and make changes in your diet and lifestyle.
Try to avoid the foods that trigger the symptoms:
Milk and its derivatives
Cabbage, onions, peas, beans
Fried food, pizzas, strong species
Drinks with alcohol
Also try to get enough exercise, drink plenty of fluids and get enough sleep.
If your problems are moderate or severe, you may need more of your lifestyle changes. Your doctor may suggest medications.
Kind regards,
Dr. Oscar Martinez