Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
skin infection in the form of boils occurring on penis despite taking treatment with antibiotics could be due to resistance of the organisms for the antibiotics previously used.
Once the pus comes out, you would always feel better.
Anyway, kindly get the following things done so that it would be helpful to treat your condition better.
1. Culture of pus or swab from the secretions of the boil and its sensitivity to know what could be the organism and which antibiotic it is sensitive to.
2. Random Blood Sugar (RBS) to know the status of
glucose homeostasis as repeated infection could be caused due to
diabetes mellitus.
Kindly keep the area clean and hygienic.
In the meantime, you can wash the area with mild antiseptic solution using Iodine or Savlon. Also, you can apply
Neomycin ointment over the lesions.
If glucose levels are normal, take a complete course of appropriate antibiotics after the culture and sensitivity report along with antiinflammatory medication like
Gradually, your symptoms should subside and you should feel better.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.