hi... am 26yrs of age and recent had a BV, YEAST INFECTION and a UTI. I`ve been treated in emergency room for a week and been release with a 7days leave of medication due to the condition, which I`ve completed. After treatment, I had sex with my current boyfriend and after two days i realized that my vagina had develop a fowl odor and pain at the opening of vagina... I took back the same antibiotics without prescription on my own... the problem when away. within one week i had sex with my boyfriend after second treatment and the same problem came back. I have no itching, no bleeding, no symptoms when urination or passin stool, no vomiting or nausea and I`ve recently started birth control. Is it that my boy friend has an infection too or is it the birth control. please help... oh and we do have sex on regular base for example 3 time per day at least 4 day a week