hello, It is possible to have persistent cough after
respiratory tract infection in an asthmatic, atopic , and a person with dyspeptic symptoms. But if the infection is settled, cough should get lesser by time.
Persistent cough would cause continuous forceful contraction of chest and abdominal muscles . This would lead to muscle pulling and you would have pain,
stiffness, and tenderness of muscles. If you are not a Wheezer you can have ibuprofen or other NSAID together with local diclogenac sodium gel.
But you have to stop the cough which cause the
muscle pain.
If you are a topic or person with wheezing it is better to have small dose of prednisolon for 3,4 days, deriphillin, and a
mucolytic like bisolvin for another week. If it is still not settling, need to do your blood investigations full blood count, CRP, ESR and chest xray. Because certain atypical pneumonias has less symptoms except for dry bout of persistent cough but blood and xray would consists changes. If there are changes there are
oral antibiotics for those pneumonias.
Hpoe this helps. Thank you.