For several months I have had recurrent episodes (approximately every two to three weeks) of frequent burning urination Usually, there is evidence of blood and white blood cells in my urine, but no evidence of a urinary tract infection. Often, my urine is cloudy. Each recurrent episode starts with pain in my lower abdomen that passes quickly, followed by chills but no fever. Macrobid has been prescribed, but doesn t always offer relief. I have had one recent episode of nocturnal incontinence (just a few drops that woke me) and a small bright red drop of blood that did not dissipate, with a narrow white filament attached. My latest visit to a primary care after hours clinic resulted in the physician shrugging her shoulders and suggesting a visit to a urologist, which is in the works but could take months to set up. Right now, I am sitting on the toilet for hours at a time, so I don t have to run to the washroom every five minutes.