Urinary tract infections are the commonest bacterial infection in older people and the risk increases with age. Women suffer more frequently from recurrent UTI than men because of their shorter
urethra and proximity of urethral opening to anus. Other predisposing factors in old age include
diabetes, urinary tract stones, steroid use, and chronic illness impairing immune system.
1. Syrup alkaline citrate 2 teaspoonful three times daily for 1 week
2. Tablet
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg per oral twice daily for 7 days
3. Drink 4 – 5 liters of uncontaminated water to flush out bacteria
4. Investigations – routine examination of urine, culture & sensitivity of urine, total & differential count of WBC,
ultrasound abdomen
5. Drink fruit juice and cranberry juice
6. Do not hold your urine. Urinate when you feel
7. Wipe from front to back after bowel movements
8. Urinate after having sex to flush bacteria
9. You can change antibiotic after C/S report of urine
If recurrence still occurs despite above measures then ciprofloxcin 125 mg daily per oral may be taken for 6 months as prophylactic treatment.