I had a total hip replacement back in Feb these year, surgery went very well and the Recovery wents good too. 3 months later developed a red and hard hematoma, near to the scar, after treatments don t work, I went to surgery again in August to remove the hematoma and the Surgeon put a Drain for 1 week, 1 month later it started again... :( a small bruise appear and turns into a hole.. but not drain nothing, Dr. Jeffrey Rich, my Surgeon send me to do a Ct Scan and the results show liquid in the same place that was operated.. Dr. send me to hospital to a Radiologist to extract that liquid. A large and tick Syringe full of that nasty yellow liquid as been removed... I felt the relief right after the extraction :) but.... today, 1 week later.. I stared feel pain again, a burning pain again in the same place... My question is: What can cause these liquid? Something is wrong? is my body rejecting the Implant? Jesus Christ!!! I m very tired of pains and tired of these problem!!! Thank you in advance if you can answer my question. ___ Zinda Pereira