I am a Brest Cancer patient. 2Chemo+Surgery(removed breast)+4Chemo+Radiation in 2009. Fron 2010 i have been suffering from on and off earaches which starts with a cold then a throat pain and finally an ear ache. I have antibiotics and it gets treated but just keeps reccuring. 13thNov, i had a dust allergy which started a mil.d cold and a headache, i took a paracetamol and the next 2 days were ok.Then the next day again headache and shivering, i took crocin and then a paracetamol again and was ok. This resulted in a throat ache and i did a gargle with betadine solution and inhalation with vicks. Things turned out ok again. Now, 23rd,24th, i stated getting severe earache and had a tab for the pain which lasts for onbly 6hrs. 27th pain was so much,had to see an ENT and he prescribed Advent 625 + Ailrite DC + Becocin + Dola 650. I cant hear now thru my left ear. I am just on the 2nd day of this huge medication.