Thank you for your query.
* when you had your cardio consult, did they do an Electrocardiogram, echocradiogram or angiogram?
* do you smoke? or consume alcohol?
* when you have these pains, do you have any breathing difficulty, sweating,
radiation of pain, dizziness?
* what kind of a pain is it? how would you describe it?
* what triggers or relives the pain?
I recommend:
- visit your cardiologist again . If the pain is cardiac ,in origin, you will need and angiogram to detect the degree and number of blocks.
- if it is not cardiac in origin, you will need to have a gastroenterologist consult to check for
acid reflux or ulcer disease which can cause similar symptoms.
- Blood tests ( cardiac enzymes,
lipid profile and blood sugar panel). more based on clinical examination.
please maintain a log as to when your pain occurs, how long it lasts, characterisitics of the pain, what triggers it, what relieves it, where all you feel the pain.
This will help to diagnose the source of the pain.
based on the cause, treatment and lifestyle modifications will be advised.
Hope this helps.
wish you good health