Thanks for trusting Healthcaremagic!
I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.
Probable diagnosis : Hydrocele
Differential diagnosis: Varicocele/epididymal cyst
All the symptoms you have describes suggest the possibility of a clinical condition called "hydrocele"( fluid collection around your testis). But we have to rule condition like varicocele and epididymal cyst.
These are not dangerous condition and highly effective treatment options are available.
I suggest you to
consult a urologist and get the following things done:-
1.A detailed clinical evaluation may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
ultrasound scan to rule out rule out
hernia, testicular
tumor or other causes of scrotal swelling.
3.Do basic blood investigation pre operative workup.
4.Most cases does not require treatment as they resolve bu itself. If you have any pain or discomfort surgical correction is needed. It is a minor procedure done by outpatient basis and you can leave the hospital on the same day. Complications are very unlikely.
Hope this help.
Wishing you good health.
Dr.Shinas Hussain