Hello I am a 31 yr old female. I have not had sex in almost 1 year. I have at least three UTIs a year and sometimes yeast infection. No matter how clean I try to keep myself. The last few weeks I have been having burning while urinating. Feeling the need to urinate often, even if my bladder is not completely full. I have been drinking water, more than three glasses a day. One morning as soon as I woke I had a full glass and almost immediately I had to urinate and it was completely clear urine... Which is weird since my first urination of the morning is usually darker. Also the burning feeling is constant. Also my urine smells so bad. I have ro wear panty liners all day and I have to bath 3 times a day and bought wash clothes to clean my vaginal area every time after urinating. I clean with water and also dry the area. But even that is not minimizing the odour and it is very embarrassing. I have in the past, after giving birth to my son, contracted BV, my ex gave me gonnorhea about over a year and a half ago, but I was treated with a prescription. I have history of diabetes in my family. My mother has recently been rediagnosed and is positive for diabetes. So my symptoms are constant burning, constantly urinating, strong urine smell (like ham or something), for a few days in a row, I slept almost all day and night, I have been confusing words (using wrong words for very simple things, or the words are similar but still wrong like a made up word or scrambled, and even forgetting words) my children find this funny. my head feels foggy, and I think I have blood in my urine, I have three children who have been very helpful and well behaved while I am going through this. I am embarrassed, and have now alienated myself. Maybe I have gonnorhea again... But more than a year later? Is it diabetes ? Is it a UTI that the hospital missed? Is it bladder cancer? Please help me and thank you very much for your time