Hi welcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query regarding recurring bouts of uncontrolled
diarrhea . I can understand your concern .
Dear it can be caused by many factors and can be cured by removing the cause or causes . faulty food habits and life style plays a big role in this
Diarrhea infections are spread through the consumption of contaminated food and water . Many different types of bacteria viruses and parasites can cause
gastroenteritis and subsequently diarrhea. Some common ones include: Bacteria. parasites and viruses .
Bouts of diarrndhea usually clear up after a few days, however, during this time it’s important not to become dehydrated.
Drink plenty of fluids. You may want to consider taking an oral rehydration solution (ORS). These usually come in sachets and are dissolved in water to replace the minerals and salts that you have lost.
Heap full of spoon of Isbgol , a herb with Lemon juice in a cup of water
Try to eat as normal, but keep meals short and light. Daliya ,,khichdi with fresh curd , banana help set your stomach right .
Frequently drink small sips of water .
According to Ayurvedic theory of treatment ,derailment of our Nabhi - Suryakender - our belly button is cause of your trouble. Doing Asans as below will set it right and solve the problem .
To strengthen immunity, include regular walk , physical activity - doing pranayam ,deep breathing exercises ,Kapalbhatti Pranayam , Bhujang asan
Danurasan and
meditation under trained guide .
Avoid rich, spicy, salty or sugary foods , milk and milk products , Over exertion ,
anxiety , alcohol ,
dehydration .
if you have any more severe symptoms or your diarrhea lasts longer than a week, speak to your medical professional.
Hope this helps solve your query . Take care .All the best .