Hello. Happy New Year! I am 39 yrs old & have 4 fibroids. the largest is intramural posterior was last reported to be 53 mm. The other is a 30 mm submucosal type 0/1 at the fundus. The other two are too small measure to size trying to develop. The endometrial thickness is with normal limits, mesasuring (LMP 1 week ago. Both of my ovaries are normal in size & structure. No adnexal masses, cyst or free fluid are seen. Since mid November last year I have been on a diet eating plenty of salads (mixed green leaves), eat plenty of fish avoiding meat & diary products. Too avoid surgery in an attempt to shrink fibroids I have been using herbal products, drinking Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar & used Red Clover tablets. I have notice a huge difference before Christmas dinner & my fibroids were shrivelling in distruaght because they were shrinking, I felt the reduction. Eventually I no longer felt the fibroids at all. The clots were reduced to much smaller clusters compared to the common 5cm long thick blood clots as it they were ripped apart. I admit I have been naughty & still eat compressed candies during the diet. I ate Christmas dinner for about seven days including macaroni chesse, duck, turkey & beef. I have notice I started feeling my fibroids grow back throbbing rapidily like a baby s heart beat (I never had any children but figured out the feeling). The fibroids seem to have grown back quickly, npt to it s full size but close to it somewhat. I am curious...how long does it take fibroids to actually grow? I really thought they were gone & returning back to my strict diet. Thank you for reading. Rachel