Thanks for contacting HCM with your health concern and following is symptomwise approach:
1. most headaches in general practice are ordinary tension headaches and need just an
analgesic and may be a tranquiliser.
2. In every patient with headache, I usually perform the following tests:
. check blood pressure and control
hypertension (if present)
. check sinus tenderness and look for any focus of infection in teeth, tonsils & ears.
. check tenderness on nape of neck or pain on neck movements
. check eyesight.
. if there is any neurological sign (weakness of cranial nerves/limbs, convulsions) refer for C.T. scan & Neurologist's opinion.
3. till then take:
. tablet disprin 1 (thrice daily)
. tablet calmpose 5 mg (1/2-1) at night
. take rest in a quiet dark room, massage and press the scalp with counterirritants like Vicks/Amrutanjan
4. If everything is normal then manage on the line of Migraine:
. Tablet
Vasograin (
ergotamine), capsule sibelium (
flunarizine), tablet ciplar (propanolol)