Thank you for your query.
It seems that may have contracted
Chicken pox (
varicella). It is a highly contagious viral infection that is self limiting in most individuals.
Symptomatic relief for the itching,
fever and
flu like symptoms may be required.
Itching will cause scarring, so avoid itching.
Avoid hot foods/drink/bath. this will aggravate the itching. have foods & drinks that cool your body. Wear loose fitting clothes made of cotton or other natural breathable material.
Rest and fluids / I would recommend seeing your doctor if your symptoms worsen or if you have itched the blisters and those have got infected.
Also note that you are most contagious in the first week ( before the rashes appear ) and the last week ( when the blisters scab over). The duration is about 3 weeks. Do not pick at the scabs. fluids in the blisters have the virus in them and can be transmitted.
Hope this helps and that you feel better soon.
Wish you good health. Please get back to us if you need further clarification